Communicating Ugandan Style
The Art of Communicating in Uganda for Visitors and Tourists while on Safari
The Art of Communicating in Uganda for Visitors and Tourists: Mastering Communication in Uganda – Here is a Guide for Visitors and Tourists! Whether English is your native language from countries like the UK, Ireland, Canada, USA, Australia, or New Zealand, or you speak English as a second language from nations like Germany, Italy, France, Mexico, Malaysia, India, or others, it’s essential to recognize that speaking English doesn’t guarantee universal understanding. Different nuances and speech patterns exist, and talking too rapidly may hinder comprehension for the listener.
Conversely, a Ugandan may employ language customs unfamiliar to you, even if your mother tongue is a variant of English that is challenging to comprehend.
Additionally, social etiquette plays a role. While you may be accustomed to direct and concise communication, Ugandans prioritize relational conversations. Rushing to the end of a discussion may be rude to them.
Surprisingly, Uganda is widely regarded as the best English-speaking country in Africa. This is advantageous for visitors, but it’s crucial to remember that English is typically a second or third language for most Ugandans.
Here’s how to communicate effectively in Uganda:
Adapt your tone: English used in official settings such as immigration, customs, or when dealing with the police may come across as formal or rigid. However, Ugandans are generally warm and have a sense of humor. Once you establish a rapport and they become familiar with you, they will relax and engage more freely.
Embrace shared experiences: Conversations often flow more smoothly when enjoying a bit of Ugandan Waragi or Beer during a Safari Sundowner. This relaxed atmosphere helps to foster connection and open communication.
Earn trust and openness: Ugandans will readily share their thoughts and experiences once they know you and build confidence. However, their exposure style might differ from the vulnerable vulnerability often seen in American culture. It’s a reserved form of communication that reflects Ugandan norms. Embrace this style, and you’ll experience meaningful and mutually enriching conversations.
Overcome initial shyness: It’s common for Ugandans, including your Safari tour guide, to exhibit initial shyness. However, this barrier is quickly overcome with time and genuine interaction.
During your time on Safari, mastering the art of communication in Uganda is simple and rewarding. Embrace the cultural nuances outlined above, and you’ll forge meaningful connections and enhance your overall experience in this beautiful country.
The Art of Communicating in Uganda for Visitors and Tourists
Begin every conversation with a proper Ugandan greeting:
Initiating Conversations with Proper Ugandan Greetings: It’s customary to begin every conversation with a formal greeting in Uganda. Initially, it’s best to hold off on asking for directions or any favors. Even if you don’t speak Luganda or Swahili, a simple “How are you?” will be understood by most Ugandans, regardless of their proficiency in English.
A typical response from a three-year-old in Uganda would be “fine.” Remember to speak softly, as it is the norm here. You might notice that the volume rises once you become better acquainted with people.
Even when interacting with waiters or waitresses, greeting them first before placing your order is advisable, as it fosters a positive response. Keep your questions uncomplicated, mainly if you are in rural areas and have limited English proficiency. Many Ugandans speak at least two languages, and some even say three. When both parties are standing, a handshake works wonders as a greeting. Typically, the handshake is not as firm as you might be accustomed to.
When greeting someone, you know, Treat them kindly, as you would your family. Greet them with a handshake, usually not too firm, and inquire about their well-being and that of their family. This gesture signifies respect. In Baganda culture, avoiding direct eye contact is a sign of care rather than rudeness or an attempt to conceal something. However, a Western visitor may interpret it differently.
Introducing someone: It is considered impolite in Uganda to refer to someone by their last name without using their title or first name. For example, a well-known individual in Uganda had written numerous newspaper articles and was interviewed by national and international press on television. However, he was only referred to by his last name, without using his title of “Pastor” or including his first name. In Uganda, we consider this to be poor manners. It is customary to say something complimentary yet truthful when introducing someone, demonstrating respect for the person being trained and the person they are being introduced to.
How to respond when someone greets you by Kneeling:
How to Respond to Someone Kneeling in Greeting: It is understandable that some visitors may feel uncomfortable when someone kneels before them as a form of greeting. However, it is essential to recognize that in Ugandan culture, kneeling is a sign of respect and is not meant to be demeaning.
When you encounter a situation where a woman, girl, or young boy kneels as you arrive at their home, it is best to accept this gesture gracefully as part of the Ugandan welcome and the spirit of African hospitality. It is worth noting that this custom is gradually evolving, and women are playing a significant role in driving these changes, although many individuals still adhere to cultural traditions.
Uganda has been one of the pioneering countries in East Africa to have a woman vice president, even before the United States. This demonstrates the progressive nature of Ugandan society.
If you object to this traditional practice, remaining silent and respecting cultural differences is advisable. Just as there may be aspects of Ugandan culture that you find objectionable, responding graciously and respectfully when someone kneels before you is essential.
By acknowledging and appreciating these cultural nuances, you can foster positive interactions and embrace Uganda’s customs and diversity.
I have often seen Westerners speak down to Ugandans if they were a bit child, most condescendingly. At times the recipients have been University students. Africans are not stupid, but we leave a wrong impression on them and disrespect them if we speak down to a person. The communication between us will be blocked.
Do not make promises you will not keep: 
It is crucial to refrain from making promises that you have no intention of keeping or cannot fulfill. It is not uncommon to observe Westerners making grandiose promises to impress others. However, it is essential to recognize that Africans have experienced their fair share of disappointment from idle pledges made by Westerners.
Privately, many Africans may express their disappointment when such promises are not fulfilled. Therefore, it is essential to be mindful of the impact of your words and avoid making commitments you cannot uphold.
Instead, focus on genuine actions and meaningful contributions that you can make. Building trust and fostering positive relationships require sincerity and authenticity. By demonstrating reliability and being true to your word, you can avoid contributing to the disillusionment that may arise from broken promises.
What to do when a Ugandan asks you for something:
Ugandan Communication Styles that offend Visitors and what to do about it:
Understanding Ugandan Communication Styles that May Disconcert Visitors and How to Address Them: Visitors may find certain aspects of Ugandan communication styles offensive or off-putting during conversations. It’s essential to know these practices and how to navigate them effectively. Two common occurrences include having someone interrupt your conversation and take over, and Ugandans speaking to each other in a local language, excluding you from understanding the dialogue.
Having lived in Uganda for many years, I can empathize with the frustration these situations can cause, although I now understand what is being said. It is crucial to recognize that many Ugandans may not realize the rudeness inherent in these actions. If they were aware, they might refrain from engaging in such behavior.
So, what can you do about it? In private, you can respectfully communicate how these practices make you feel. Expressing your sentiments calmly and non-confrontational can help create awareness and understanding. Sharing your perspective may contribute to a positive change in communication dynamics.
Alternatively, you may keep quiet and perceive these instances as opportunities to learn about Ugandan customs and ways of interaction. Embracing cultural differences and viewing them as valuable insights can foster mutual respect and appreciation.
Ultimately, the key is approaching these situations with tact, patience, and an openness to understanding different communication styles. Visitors and Ugandans can bridge cultural gaps and enhance their interactions by engaging in constructive dialogue and seeking mutual understanding.
Stick with the Keep it simple principle:
Tips for Effective Communication in Uganda: When encountering signs for guest houses, lodges, or hotels, refrain from asking if accommodations are available in town. Instead, be aware that “special hire” is the term for a taxi, while a “cab” refers to a mini-bus used in the mass transport system in Uganda. Request a special hire when you need a taxi service to avoid confusion. When seeking lodging, asking for a vacancy may elicit a stare, but asking for a room will likely yield a more helpful response.
As you interact with locals, you will quickly learn the nuances of communication. If you use the word “tea” to refer to dinner in your English usage, be aware that it is not commonly used in Uganda. Instead, use the word “dinner” or specify that you want your evening meal. Start with simple language and gradually expand your vocabulary and sophistication based on the response you receive.
Appearances can be deceiving. I have a friend who lives in a humble village house, wears sandals, and may not seem like an expert in English language usage. However, he has traveled extensively as a conference speaker and was a former professor at Makerere University. It’s important to listen attentively and not underestimate people based on their outward appearance.
Here are some additional tips for effective communication:
- Listen carefully: Paying close attention to others will aid your understanding and learning process.
- Avoid using slang: Using unfamiliar Ugan’s slang may result in puzzled looks. Stick to more standard English to ensure clear communication.
- Stay calm when frustrated: Losing your temper is generally viewed as impolite. Maintain composure even in challenging situations.
- “Yes” does not always mean understanding: If a Ugandan doesn’t fully comprehend your question, they may still respond with “yes” to avoid embarrassment. Seek clarification if needed.
- Respect mispronunciations: Laughing at mispronounced words can be perceived as disrespectful. Embrace the opportunity to learn and understand the local pronunciations.
- Cultural observations: In Uganda, commenting on someone’s weight is not necessarily an insult but a word; sometimes, it can even be seen as a compliment. It’s important to approach such topics lightheartedly and be mindful of cultural differences.
Enjoy your time in Uganda and the company of Ugandans. Take it easy, be open-minded, and you’ll have a wonderful experience immersed in the culture and language of this beautiful country.
Words used – both the English ones and in Luganda and their meaning-may be foreign to you.
- Muzungu: This is one you will probably hear over and over again. In the Ugandan jargon, it means a white person from the West – as
- you walk through the villages, you will listen to children call you just that and wave at you.
- Bazungu: Is the plural of Muzungu. Whites, Westerners.
- Mudagavu: If you hear that, it references an African person.
- Askari: He is a guard, and most anyone trying to protect something of value has one. Most hotels have armed ones.
- Banda: If you see that somewhere, it references a hut or cabin-like structure.
- Barkcloth: You will see wallets made from it at souvenir stalls in Uganda. If you visit the Kasubi tombs, you will see large sections covering almost everything. It is also used in clothing. It is becoming fashionable once again in recent times.
- Boda-Boda: In Kampala, it is primarily a motorcycle taxi. You will see some bicycles with a flat seat on the back where people can climb for a fee. You can often even see three people in one. The term comes from Border to Border – and is shortened to Boda-Boda.
- Buganda: The kingdom of the central region of Uganda. By some mispronunciation and misinterpretations, Uganda came from it. In some ways, it is best that way.
- Bwana: A term often used here by servers or those who run some shops dealing with men. It is Swahili and means mister. Older men may also be called papa, uncle, auntie, or mama.
- Chai: It means Tea in Uganda, but it also means a bribe. He asked me for chai is something you will hear now and then.
- Chapati: Flour flatbread fried in oil, like a taco using flour and water rolled out into a round bread, eaten with many things. Indian origin and, like the chai, has been incorporated into African and Ugandan culture.
- Gonja: Roasted Bananas over a charcoal stove on a grill. I like to cut them into small pieces and put them in a stir-fry dish and vegetables.
- Rolex: Not the watch, but a chapati with scrambled eggs inside with onions, tomatoes, green peppers, and cabbage. A delight for many, there are
variations of this dish.
- Duka: A small shop of some kind.
- Irish: Potatoes and usually not called potatoes but merely Irish. Generally small but tasty.
- Kabaka: King of Bugandhis palace in a, living in the Mengo arin his palace. He does not rule on Ugandan affairs but on affairs that deal with the kingdom. He advises his subjects and does not violate the laws of Uganda. Ronald Mutebi is the current Kabaka.
- Luganda: The written and spoken language of the Baganda people. Though Kiswahili is the lingua franca of much of East Africa, in the Buganda area, it is seen as the language of former repression and referred to as soldiers and prostitutes.
- Mandazi: Uganda’s version of a doughnut, often millet flour, is used. Not as sweet and light as European or American doughnuts.
- Matatu: A Kiswahili word for buses used sometimes used for min-bus taxis, even in newspaper articles in Uganda.
- Matooke: Green bananas that are the plantain variety and are boiled, mashed, and eaten often with a g-nut sauce, which is the
peanut sauce.
- Muganda: A person belonging to the Buganda Tribe. Baganda is plural. So a Muganda speaks Luganda and is part of the Buganda Kingdom living in Uganda. That is a mouthful.
- Panga: A machete used for almost anything that needs slashing. You will see lawns mowed with a panga. It was the most used instrument in Rwanda during the genocide of 1994.
- Posho: Called Ugali in Kenya, it is a maize porridge eaten by itself or with anything, such as boiled beans.
- Safari: This is the Kiswahili term for a trip or journey. It has been incorporated here into the language and mainly describes wildlife safaris.
- Saloon: Not a bar like the West of the USA but a Salon where you get your hair done.
- Short Call: Going to the toilet and not a phone call.
- Nsenene: Grasshoppers (actually Bush Crickets) – Ugandans love them fried, and they are available during the rainy seasons.
- Savannah: (No relation to Savannah, Georgia) What do you find in much of East Africa? Tallgrass plains are located in Queen Elizabeth Park and Murchison Falls Park.
- Tot: Waragi or Whiskey is sold in these sachets called tots. They are technically illegal now, but it will be interesting to see if the law is enforced.
- Waragi: A Ugandan Gin, the word coming from war gin from an earlier time., much of it home-distilled. Many things are made into waragi. Do not drink homemade waragi sold in recycled water bottles. Homemade products can and often do contain harmful impurities such as methanol.
- Coffee Spirit: Unique to Uganda, strong liquor, coffee-colored, sweet, and made from Robusta Coffee – for the most part- you can find it only in Dukas.
- Ganja: Marijuana is illegal in Uganda but used by many. Visitors are advised not to buy or use it while in Uganda. It could cause trouble with authorities.
The Art of Communicating in Uganda for Visitors and Tourists- Hopefully, the above will help you when visiting Uganda.