Wildlife Parks in Uganda where you can see Zebras
Best Places to see Zebras – The Parks and Wildlife Reserves, where you will find Zebras
Best Places to see Zebras in Uganda. Today there are two parks and two Wildlife Reserves where you can see Zebras. At one time, there were thousands of Zebras found all over Uganda, and today 3,000 plus Zebras are remaining. Most Zebras are in and around Lake Mburo National Park, Uganda’s foremost Zebra Park.
In the northeast corner of Uganda in Kidepo Valley Park, about 100 Plus Zebras are remaining.
In Uganda, Zebras are found in two National Parks and Wildlife Reserves. The remote Kidepo Valley Park in the Northeast Karamoja region and Lake Mburo National Park in Western Uganda and the closest wildlife park to Kampala and Entebbe. Katonga Wildlife Reserve near Kibale Forest in the West and Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve in Eastern Uganda near Mount Elgon National Park
You do not find them in other National Parks since the vegetation and Terrain are not suited for Zebras.
Best Places to see Zebras in Uganda – the Pearl of Africa is home to the most common Zebra – the Burchell or Plains Zebras. The Plains Zebras prefer grassland and wooded Savannah. For their safety, they prefer grass that is not too tall to see approaching predators.
The decline of Zebras in Kidepo Valley Park is due to different vegetation due to climate change.
There are approximately 3,100 Plains Zebra in Uganda at present. The majority are located in or around Lake Mburo National Park, and the remainder is in Kidepo Valley Park, Katonga Wildlife Reserves, and Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve.
Zebras have been on the decline in Kidepo Valley Park due to Weather and Climate conditions that are a factor in the well-being and survival of Zebras.
Zebra Factoids:
- Zebras belong to hoofed animals such as horses. They have relatively thick bodies; instead, they think of legs in comparison. Their tail is tufted, and they have a long head and neck with a relatively short mane. What, however, stands out the most is the black and white striped coat. In some cases, black is browner in color.
- Why do Zebras have stripes? No one knows for sure. It is thought that the stripes might confuse predators and keep insects away from them.
Zebra stripes are much like fingerprints are to humans; each Zebra’s stripes and pattern are unique to them individually. Another thought among scientists has been that one purpose of the stripes is how Zebras recognize each other.
- Zebras are Herbivores, and they spend most of the day eating grass, but will also eat leaves and even shrubs, even twigs, and bark at times.
- Zebras are always on the move for fresh pastures and water to drink. They will travel long distances in search of water and grass.
- Zebras are social animals and live together in large groups, called herds. As they migrate to new feeding grounds, ‘super herds’ may form consisting of hundreds of individuals.
- Within a herd, zebras tend to stay together in smaller family groups: a dominant male, several females (called ‘mares’), and their young (called ‘foals’). When they are between one and three years old, males (or ‘stallions’) leave to join ‘bachelor herds’ (all-male groups), where they stay until they’re old enough and strong enough to compete for females.
- Zebras may look adorable but can be aggressive animals, too! Stallions fight for females with piercing bites and powerful kicks that are strong enough to cause severe damage – and sometimes even kill!
- Their fierce fighting skills and healthy social bonds help protect zebras from predators, including lions, leopards, hyenas, and cheetahs. When under threat, these remarkable animals form a semi-circle facing the attacker and prepare to strike if need be. And if one of the groups is wounded or injured, other zebras will circle and attempt to drive off the hungry attacker. All for one and one for all!
Best Places to see Zebras in Uganda.
Lake Mburo National Park
Lake Mburo National Park is the best Park for sure Zebra sightings. The Park is home to some of the largest herds found in the country, both inside and outside of the Park.
Whether in a vehicle, doing horseback, Mountain Bike Safari, or nature walk, you will not miss seeing Zebras. The Zebras found here are the Plains variety, and they originally came here from Tanzania and have thrived ever since.
Zebras are so numerous here that some have been translocated to other areas, such as Katonga Wildlife Reserve.
The Park is halfway to Bwindi Impenetrable Forest, close to Kampala and Queen Elizabeth Park.
Lake Mburo is the best Park in Uganda where to find and see Zebras. You can take a nature walk, bike ride, or even jog or go horseback riding in the Park, giving you various ways to see zebras in Lake Mburo Park.
Kidepo Valley National Park
Kidepo Valley National Park is the most remote Park in Uganda and one of Uganda’s best places where you can see Zebras on the vast Savannah Plains f Kidepo Valley Park.
The Zebras in Kidepo Valley Zebras originally came from Kenya and are not the same as in Lake Mburo Park, where the Zebras originally came from Tanzania. In Kidepo Vally Park, the Zebras have developed into sub-species. Their distinguishing feature is that they become almost maneless as they mature.
Since the El Nino Weather pattern changed, zebras in this Park have had difficulty surviving, and they have decreased in numbers, something which is being studied presently. In the meantime, visitors to the Park, which are few, enjoy their presence here.
Kidepo Valley Park- is one of only two parks in Uganda where to see Zebras. Kidepo Valley Park is one of Africa’s best parks. Here you see Zebras with the feeling that you are by yourself and the rangers.
Katonga Wildlife Reserve:
Zebras are a new addition to the Katonga Wildlife Reserve. The existing population was brought and translocated from Lake Mburo National Park. Oddly, the first batch found their way back to Lake Mburo Park. Subsequent translocated Zebras have found a home in the Katonga Wildlife Reserve.
The Terrain and vegetation are suitable for the Zebras, and they have adapted well to the Wildlife Reserve. They are a welcome addition to the wildlife reserve, and visitors will enjoy the other wildlife in the Reserve.
This is another positive conservation move by Uganda Wildlife Authority that will benefit the Reserve and visitors.
The Reserve is not too distant from the Kibale Forest area and can be included in a Safari. As of this time, no midrange or luxury is lodging near the Reserve, and that will change as more people are attracted to come here.
Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve:
The Common or Burchell Zebra is found in the Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve. The Reserve is located in Eastern Uganda near Sipi Falls and on the way to Kidepo Valley Park, and it is part of the Karamoja Region of Uganda.
Pian Upe Wildlife Reserve is an off-of-the-beaten Tourist Path and a reserve that most visitors to Uganda have to discover. Its rugged, natural beauty is overwhelming, and the Reserve provides the perfect setting for Zebras.
The Reserve is even more remote than the Kidepo Valley Park, and there are no midrange or luxury lodging facilities. However, provisions can include the Reserve in a Safari, including Kidepo Valley Park and Sipi Falls.
The Zebras are thriving in the Reserve, and the conditions to do so are suitable for the Zebras there.
Best Places to see Zebras – Please let us know if you would like to include Zebras on your Safari with us.